Welcome to Humans of La Ventana – where our clients share their personal experiences in treatment @ La Ventana. Features are shared with respect for each individual and love for the trust they placed in us as guides in their healing journey. Today’s story is from our Women’s Mental Health Residential Wellness Program…
‘Thank you all, from the bottom of my heart, for continuing to help me when I’ve needed it the most. I know dealing with me is in no way easy and I’m sorry if I’ve ever been anything but kind to any of you. You all have shown me nothing but kindness even my second time around. I know that I’ll always have a home here at La Ventana and I’ll continue to speak positive about my stay here. I have a feeling that this will be goodbye for good, it hurts my heart so bad to say that but it’s time for me to start enjoying the life that I’ve created for myself. I couldn’t have gotten here without each and everyone of you by my side. I will always remember the memories that we have all created and will forever hold them close to my heart. Thank you for being patient with me and making me feel so loved. I will never forget you.”